bla bla pipeline

use CDK and AWS Image builder to build you're own AMI

How to quickly build a Image Pipeline with AWS CDK

In this blog post, we will explore how to leverage the power of AWS CDK in Python to build an automated image builder pipeline using AWS Image Builder. This pipeline will streamline the process of creating custom machine images with predefined configurations and distibute them effortlessly to your AWS Accounts.

Understanding AWS Image Builder

AWS Image Builder is a fully managed service that simplifies the creation, maintenance, and deployment of custom machine images for your applications. It provides a secure and repeatable process for image creation, ensuring consistency across your infrastructure. By defining recipes that include components like base images, software packages, and configurations, AWS Image Builder automates the image building process, reducing manual effort and minimizing errors.

Building an Image Builder Pipeline with AWS CDK

Set Up Your Development Environment Ensure you have the AWS CDK CLI and the necessary Python dependencies installed on your machine. Initialize a new AWS CDK project using the command cdk init app –language python.

Define Your CDK Stack

Create a new Python file within your CDK project, and import the required AWS CDK and AWS Image Builder modules. Define a new class that extends aws_cdk.core.Stack and specify the necessary AWS resources, such as an EC2 instance and an S3 bucket, for your image building pipeline.

Configure AWS Image Builder Pipeline

Within your CDK stack, use the AWS CDK constructs to create an AWS Image Builder pipeline. Define your pipeline’s components, including source images, recipes, and outputs. Specify the build schedule and trigger conditions, such as on-demand or recurring builds triggered by changes in source code repositories.

Define Build Recipes

Using AWS Image Builder’s recipe language, define the steps and components required to build your custom machine images. This may include installing software packages, configuring security settings, and applying desired settings for your specific application requirements. Leverage AWS-provided components or create your own custom components to tailor the image to your needs.

Implement CI/CD Integration

Integrate your AWS CDK project with your preferred CI/CD tool, such as AWS CodePipeline or Jenkins, to automate the deployment of your CDK stack and image building pipeline. Configure triggers to automatically initiate pipeline builds whenever code changes are pushed to your version control system.

Deploy and Test

Deploy your AWS CDK stack and verify the successful creation of your image builder pipeline. Test the pipeline by triggering a build manually or simulating changes that would trigger an automated build. Monitor the pipeline’s progress and review the generated machine images to ensure they meet your application’s requirements.


By leveraging the power of AWS CDK in Python, you can automate the creation and maintenance of custom machine images using AWS Image Builder. This enables you to standardize and streamline your infrastructure deployment process, ultimately reducing manual effort, ensuring consistency, and increasing the efficiency of your development lifecycle. Embrace the possibilities of AWS CDK and AWS Image Builder to enhance your image building workflows and unlock the full potential of your cloud-based applications.